Android food recipes app tutorial using retrofit|mvvm|edamam|api #11

#Edamam #Retrofit #Android #Food #MVVM #API

This is a series of video tutorials in which we are going to create an android recipes application that will allow us to search over 2 million recipes online using Android Studio, Retrofit, and Edamam API'S website. Get up to date with the latest video upload by turning on the notification bell icon from this channel.

REQUIREMENTS: --Java JDK --Android Studio --Retrofit library --Background knowledge of Java language

Hello everyone welcome back again to this tutorial number 11 of our retrofit uh application tutorial so where we are going to create an application here is a base uh which is based on API app so in this series of videos we are going to create an application like this so as you can see in my screen so if you are interested based on the API and retrofit so please be sure to one video that I have updated on my youtube channel so please be sure to subscribe to support my con so without saying too much let's get back to android studio so in this video we have created a class allow us, uh to search recipes uh in the web server so we will send that search recipe into this uh edamame website so I use for this tutorial so in this video uh what we are going to do we are going to create a search widget like uh into the main

 XML we can just define a source view and with we grab content okay we are going to go to the design okay we need to have the weed give it a bit with 250 three habits and their gravity let's put gravity to this one to knock the center back to the top they add gravity will be center horizontally okay actually, this one is earlier gravity it is center horizontal okay so  center recently and to give a margin just put a background color so to color and android let's give a color so let's just try to give a color like that it's the roller okay choose that color if you want so you can just leave it like that for the radius corner, okay and we can just cheat okay okay so fix multi-line so now uh let us try to increase so let us try to increase the weight at uh 350 DB okay and it's giving the margin at the top margin to the top

 maybe uh five okay so that's gonna be okay so we will leave it like this and inside you can just include the recycler which includes so we can go and okay so we need to align it okay actually, we need to search the view we have and the layout will be rough content for the height will be okay so here we can just okay the recycler view is so the recycler view is not going down so we need to align okay gravity will be getting so it is respected so now online layout mode okay also we need to define our orientation so I will click to differentiation we need to define the orientation as you can see here so we have the 

 the recycled view so into this view we need to make it wrap content okay so once we did that in this video, we have added the search view for our main activity a main exam uh search recipes from the uh online database so this is not sure so in this video we are starting we will going to start so uh working in the uh main activity so we will put in this class so in the next tutorial we are going to almost finished the tutorial so uh thank you for watching guys if you uh find this video helpful so if you do so please consider subscribing to my channel how to support my content if you have some questions write them in the comment section box if you want to get access with a code that I have already created so you can just write it in the comment box so uh if you like this video please be sure to hit the like button if you want to share it so please also share this video so other people can watch it so thanks for watching guys I hope to see you in the next tutorial

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