Android food recipes app tutorial using retrofit|mvvm|edamam|api #12


#Edamam #Retrofit #Android #Food #MVVM #API

This is a series of video tutorials in which we are going to create an android recipes application that will allow us to search over 2 million recipes online using Android Studio, Retrofit, and Edamam API'S website. Get up to date with the latest video upload by turning on the notification bell icon from this channel.

REQUIREMENTS: --Java JDK --Android Studio --Retrofit library --Background knowledge of Java language

Hello everyone welcome back again to this tutorial number two of our retrofit android recipes app, so we are going to create a search up so this application is based on the API so we have online so we have in the uh edamame API so uh without uh saying too much so let us uh get back to understudy so we live up from the previous video so this uh video going to so this video we are going to start filling up the data inside of the main activity so first I'm going to declare so we can like uh the uh we can let this clock console so I will just add it here so the final string tag okay you can name now in below we can declare the recycler view so that we have so you

can declare the private recycler side right here you can also declare uh private we need also to make an instance of recyclerview adapter so we need to declare the recipe adapter USB adapter uh okay it is so in the just removing this basis and just first initialize the search view just give it a call to find you by id and just get it by id search you can scroll look for other methods you can also uh explore other methods of this search widget so okay so we want to do this sit on creative text listen now can I delete their own okay so yeah we can just explore this widget so on the listener okay you can look for other methods as well so they shouldn't settle inside okay so I just wanna look for another method so we can familiarize the other

method of this widget so okay so start actually also, this one you can return it so but first, we need to initialize first then find the view, so let's go and assign an id to this result right here okay compilation error this project contains general operations so let's just assign the id will be and assign the recycling we also need to emission uh the recipe, okay so we have the adapter so we can also initialize it here as it here the first time our application will run so it will initialize the recipes or the array as empty so it will not have

anything so in this method will be called what we are going to do instead of initializing it in the encrypt method we can create a method so its results recipes we can pass the actually you can parametrically string so in this method, we're going to initialize the recipes and we need to initialize also the retrofit so I will need to cut up the video from this tutorial for this video guys because I don't want to make the video longer so but we are going to continue this one within the next tutorial.

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