About me

Hi there, it's Ronaldo here and welcome to my blog. i start my journey online at the year of 2015 not so far, if you're planning to begin with its never too late for your dreams of becoming a developer and i believe with that. I have Completed My 2 years degree of Computer Software Technology in our Country. Since then i worked and shift my study to focus on everything  from mobile platforms to web development, and even experimental devices.now, i work as a blogger and a youtube partner,Also i love to learn something new related to my skills and interest. my dream is to master both of my skill's to become a successfull developer from the unity platform to website development and mostly for creating games into mobile devices and other supported platform. "I would like  to thank all instructors for  kicking  me into gear whenever I was distracted. Also, I  would like  to thank my parents for  always supporting me.Without  my  friends  and family, life would be  dismay".

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